Using paper chromatography, your students will separate these pigments using a safer chromatography developer solution than the acetone found in most commercially available kits. | In separating and identifying the various colors that make up autumn leaves, they'll gain a better understanding of why photosynthesis cannot take place when certain pigments are absent.

Colors of Autumn Lab

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  • Using paper chromatography, your students will separate these pigments using a safer chromatography developer solution than the acetone found in most commercially available kits.
  • In separating and identifying the various colors that make up autumn leaves, they'll gain a better understanding of why photosynthesis cannot take place when certain pigments are absent.
What colors make up the color of autumn leaves? Masked by green chlorophyll in the summer, the abundance of other pigments in plant leaves becomes highly conspicuous each fall. As the falling temperatures and changing light conditions cause the chlorophyll to break down, the differences in the types and amounts of the pigments provide visible color variations. Using paper chromatography, your students will separate these pigments using a safer chromatography developer solution than the acetone found in most commercially available kits. In separating and identifying the various colors that make up autumn leaves, they'll gain a better understanding of why photosynthesis cannot take place when certain pigments are absent.

Product Dimensions (L x W x H): x 198 x MM

Product Weight: 1 LB