The LF347 and LF347B devices are low-cost, high speed, JFET-input operational amplifiers. They require low supply current yet maintain a large gain bandwidth product and a fast slew rate. In addition, their matched high-voltage JFET inputs provide very low input bias and offset current. The LF347 and LF347B can be used in applications such as high-speed integrator, digital-to-analog converters, sample-and-hold circuits, and many other circuits. The LF347 and LF347B devices are characterized for operation from 0°C to 70°C.
- 10 Pack LF347 IC JFET-Input Quad Operational Amplifier
- Low Input Bias Current: 50 pA Typical
- Low Input Noise Current: 0.01 pA/√Hz Typical
- Low Total Harmonic Distortion
- Low Supply Current: 8 mA Typical
- Gain Bandwidth: 3 MHz Typical
- High Slew Rate: 13 V/ms Typical 2
- Number of Channels: 4 Channel
- GBP - Gain Bandwidth Product: 3 MHz
- SR - Slew Rate: 13 V/us
- Vos - Input Offset Voltage: 10 mV
- Ib - Input Bias Current: 200 pA
- Supply Voltage - Max: 36 V
- Supply Voltage - Min: 7 V
- Operating Supply Current: 7.2 mA
- Output Current per Channel: 31 mA
- CMRR - Common Mode Rejection Ratio: 100 dB
- en - Input Voltage Noise Density: 18 nV/sqrt Hz
- Package / Case: PDIP-14
- Mounting Style: Through Hole
- Shutdown: No Shutdown
- Minimum Operating Temperature: 0 C
- Maximum Operating Temperature: + 70 C
- Motor Integrated Systems: UPS
- Drives and Control Solutions: AC Inverters and VF Drives
- Renewables: Solar Inverters
- Pro Audio Mixers
- Oscilloscopes